Loading paper to Tray 1 - 4 (when a stand/1x500/2x500/3x500 sheet paper drawer is installed; Tray 2 when a stand/500&2000 sheet paper drawer is installed)
A maximum of 500 sheets of paper from size 5-1/2" x 8-1/2"R to 11" x 17" (A5R to A3) can be loaded into trays 1 and 4.

To check the type and size of paper:
In "Setting mode", select [System Settings]→[Paper Tray Settings].

Gently pull the tray out until it stops.
To load paper, go to step 3. To load a different size of paper, go to the next step.
To load paper, go to step 3. To load a different size of paper, go to the next step.

The guide plates A and B are slidable. Slide each guide plate while squeezing its lock lever to adjust to the paper size.

Load the paper with the print side facing up. The stack must not be higher than the indicator line (maximum of 500 sheets).

Push the tray firmly all the way into the machine.