These functions help save power consumption by managing operations of sections prone to high power consumption. The machine provides two power-saving modes.
AUTO POWER SHUT-OFF TIMER If no operations are taking place, this mode turns off the power to the operation panel and the fusing unit, and makes the machine wait in the lowest power consumption state.
Although the power-saving rate is higher, the wakeup time is longer.
PREHEAT MODE This mode lowers the temperature of the fusing unit and makes the machine wait in low power consumption state.
Compared to Auto Power Shut-Off Timer, the power-saving rate is lower, but the wakeup time is shorter.
In addition to these two modes, using the following functions in conjunction helps reduce even more power consumption.
Function Description
AS SOON AS THE REMOTE JOB IS FINISHED, ENTER AUTO POWER SHUT OFF MODE. The machine returns from Auto Power Shut-Off and enters Auto Power Shut-Off mode as soon as printing is completed.
ECO SCAN The machine is operated with the fusing unit turned off for non-printing operations (that do not use the fusing unit) such as fax and image transmission.
POWER ON/OFF SCHEDULING FUNCTION Use this function to set the times for turning the power on and off to reduce power consumption.
POWER MANAGEMENT SETTING This function controls transition to Auto Power Shut-Off mode optimally for the use frequency by analyzing the usage of the machine during a certain time period.
Priority is given to power on/off scheduling function.
Eco Mode Setting
The eco function settings are set in a batch. "Normal Mode" and "Eco Mode" are available.
Setting values applied by each mode is as follows.
Energy Save Normal Mode Eco Mode
Eco Scan On(Sending Modes Only) On(All Modes Except Copy)
Auto Power Shut-Off Timer Change transition time by time of day.:Auto Fix transition time.:On(1min.)
As soon as the remote job is finished, enter Auto power shut off mode. Off On
Preheat Mode Setting 1min. 1min.
Turn off Panel Display during pre-heat mode On On
Each Energy Save settings in the Power Management Setting is not applyed when Nomal/Eco mode is used.
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