Number sequences entered using the numeric keys and/or one-touch keys can be linked together with pauses and dialed as a single number.
For example when dialing an international number, tap the [Pause] key between the identification number of an international telephone service company (e.g., "001") and the country code (e.g., "81" for Japan) to insert a pause for smoother line connection.
The time (in seconds) set in [Pause Time Setting] of "Setting mode" defines the length of pause.
On the screen, a hyphen "-" indicates a pause.
If two seconds are set in [Pause Time Setting], tapping the [Pause] key three times enters pauses for 6 seconds.
For example when dialing an international number, tap the [Pause] key between the identification number of an international telephone service company (e.g., "001") and the country code (e.g., "81" for Japan) to insert a pause for smoother line connection.
The time (in seconds) set in [Pause Time Setting] of "Setting mode" defines the length of pause.
On the screen, a hyphen "-" indicates a pause.
If two seconds are set in [Pause Time Setting], tapping the [Pause] key three times enters pauses for 6 seconds.
Example: Using chain dialing to dial an international number

To set the length of pause:
In "Setting mode", select [System Settings]→[Image Send Settings]→[Fax Settings]→[Default Settings]→[Pause Time Setting].