The results of a completed broadcast transmission can be checked in the job status screen. If transmission to any of the destinations failed, resend the fax to those destinations.

- "Broadcast xxxx" will appear as the destination of the broadcast job key. The job control number that appeared on the touch panel when scanning ended appears in "xxxx".
- If the broadcast transmission included destinations of different modes, the same broadcast transmission key will appear in each of those modes.

- Using document filing:
You will return to the document filing resend screen with the unsuccessful destinations entered. Perform the document filing resend procedure. (There is no need to re-scan the original.)
If the job was stored in a confidential folder or was stored as confidential file, a password entry screen will appear after you tap the [Retry] key. Enter the password. - Not using document filing:
You will return to the base screen with the unsuccessful destinations entered. Place the original and perform the steps of the broadcast transmission.