You can select the network scanner mode from the Home Screen or from each operation mode as follows:
Changing modes from the Home Screen
Tap the icon indicating the network scanner mode
Tap one of [E-mail], [FTP/Desktop], [Network Folder], and [Internet Fax].
The initial screen of the selected mode is displayed.
Changing mode from each mode
Tap on the mode display
Tap [Image Send]
By default, the screen changes to the fax mode screen.To change the screen that is initially displayed when the [Image Send] in the mode display is tapped:
In "Setting mode (administrator)", select [System Settings] → [Image Send Settings] → [Operation Settings] → [Default Settings] → [Default Display Setting].Tap
and then tap one of [E-mail], [FTP/Desktop], [Network Folder], and [Internet Fax]
The initial screen of the selected mode is displayed.