This section explains settings you should bear in mind if multiple types of addresses are included in a broadcast transmission.
When a broadcast transmission includes a mix of several types of addresses (such as scan mode and Internet Fax mode destinations), its settings are enabled for all addresses regardless of which mode screen is used to configure them. Note the following exceptions:
Send size | When the file format is set to [TIFF-S] in Internet fax mode, transmission is only possible in 8-1/2" x 11"R (A4R) size. If an original larger than 8-1/2" x 11" (A4) is scanned, it will automatically be reduced to A4R before transmission. |
Resolution (image) | Pages are sent using settings configured in each mode. |
File format (file compression mode) | The compression mode set with [System Settings] → [Image Send Settings] → [Scan Settings] → [Scan Settings] → [Compression Mode at Broadcasting] in "Setting mode" is used for all destinations. |
Color scanning | In scan mode, if the color mode setting is [Full Color], the original is sent in Mono2 to Internet fax destinations and in color to scan destinations. If the facsimile expansion kit is enabled, tap the [Send Same Image as Fax Address] key on the action panel to send the original in Mono2. If the Internet fax expansion kit is enabled, tap the [Send Same Image as Fax Address] key on the action panel to send an original having the same settings as those for the Internet fax address. (This key cannot be used if the facsimile expansion kit is enabled.) |
Original count | An address of a mode in which the number of original sheets are specified, if it exists, is enabled. |
Scan file size | If a broadcast transmission is performed that includes destinations for which an attachment size limit has been set using [Maximum Size of E-mail Attachments] or [Maximum Size of Data Attachments (FTP/Desktop/Network Folder)] (in "Setting mode", select [System Settings]→[Image Send Settings]→[Scan Settings]→[Scan Settings]→[Compression Mode at Broadcasting]), the limit will also apply to destinations for which a limit is not set. |
2in1 | This mode is available only for Fax and Internet Fax. It is linked to a mode with an appropriate function. |
Dropout color | This mode is available for Scanner and Data entry. It is linked to a mode with an appropriate function. |