When storing a job using [File] in copy mode or image send mode, or [Scan to HDD] in document filing mode, it is convenient to store the items below. These settings are not required when storing a job using [Quick File].
User Name This is necessary if you will be assigning a user name to stored files. A user name is also used as a search condition when searching for a file.
Custom Folder The Main folder is initially available as a location for storing files by [File] and [File Store]. Store a custom folder and specify it as a location for storing files. Specify a password for the user folder as required. Enter the password to use the folder.
My Folder A previously created custom folder can be selected as "My Folder", or a new folder created as "My Folder". When "My Folder" has been configured and user authentication is used, "My Folder" will always be selected as the destination of [File] and [File Store].
  • To store a custom folder for document filing:
    In "Setting mode", select [System Settings]→[Document Filing Control].
  • To store a user name and specify a folder as "My Folder":
    In "Setting mode", select [User Control]→[User List].
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