The following is a list of setting mode items, factory default settings and restrictions for each item.
Depending on the machine specifications and peripheral devices installed, it may not be possible to use some settings.
U: General user; A: System administrator/Administrator
Item Factory default setting U A
Application Settings
- Yes Yes
Text Settings (Stamp)
- Yes Yes
Custom Stamp
- No Yes
Custom Watermark
- No Yes
Network Scanner Settings
- Yes Yes
Subject Name Settings
- Yes Yes
File Name Settings
- Yes Yes
Message Body Settings
- Yes Yes
Administration Settings
No Yes
Advanced Settings
No Yes
Disable Selection of Reply-to
Disabled No Yes
File Naming
No Yes
Default Subject
Scanned image from: (Name) No Yes
Add Job Information Automatically to the Mail Message Body
Enabled No Yes
Add a Footer Automatically to the Mail Message Body
Disabled No Yes
Mail Footer Registration
- No Yes
Internet Fax Settings
No Yes
Receive Settings
No Yes
Internet fax reception
Enabled No Yes
POP3 Server
- No Yes
Port Number
110 No Yes
POP Authentication
Disabled No Yes
User Name
- No Yes
- No Yes
Change Password
Disabled No Yes
POP3 Communication Timeout
60 seconds No Yes
Reception Check Interval Setting
5 minutes No Yes
Enable SSL
Disabled No Yes
Connection Test
- No Yes
Default Settings
No Yes
I-Fax Own Name and Address Set
No Yes
Sender Name
- No Yes
I-Fax Own Address
- No Yes
Direct SMTP
No Yes
Port Number (Receive)
25 No Yes
300 No Yes
Port Number (Send)
25 No Yes
300 No Yes
Inbound Routing Settings
- Yes Yes
Sender Number/Address Registration
- Yes Yes
Administration Settings
No Yes
Inbound Routing Settings
No Yes
Inbound Routing
Disabled No Yes
Disable Registration of Forward Table
Disabled No Yes
Disable Change/Delete of Forward Table
Disabled No Yes
Disable Change of Forward Condition
Disabled No Yes
Print Style Setting
Print at Error No Yes
File Name Setting
No Yes
Preset of Character
- No Yes
File Naming
- No Yes
If received from a contact registered in the address book, sender's name is changed to contact's name.
Disabled No Yes
Settings for HDD Storing of Received Data
- No Yes
Document Administration Function
No Yes
Forwarding Destination Settings (Send Data)
No Yes
Forward Send Data
Disabled No Yes
File Format
TIFF(Multi) No Yes
Forwarding Destination Settings (Received Data)
No Yes
Forward Send Data
Disabled No Yes
File Format
TIFF(Multi) No Yes
Metadata Setting
No Yes
Metadata Entry
No Yes
Metadata Delivery
Disabled No Yes
Metadata Set List
- No Yes
External Applications Settings
Standard Application Settings
- No Yes
Received Application Settings
- No Yes
External Accounting Application Settings
No Yes
External Account Control
Disabled No Yes
Polling Setting
- No Yes
Web Browsing Settings*
No Yes
How to handle Cookie?
Alert me No Yes
Disable URL Entry
Disabled No Yes
Disable Adding or Editing Favorites
Disabled No Yes
Disable Registration/Edit of Home Page
Disabled No Yes
Disable Print from Web Browse Mode
Disabled No Yes
Disable display of History
Disabled No Yes
Use a Proxy Server
Disabled No Yes
Always display Proxy Authentication Dialogue
Disabled No Yes
USB Driver Settings
No Yes
External Keyboard
Uses internal driver No Yes
Card Reader/Writer
Uses internal driver No Yes
USB Memory
Uses internal driver No Yes
Level of Encryption
None No Yes
E-mail Print Settings
No Yes
E-mail Print Settings
No Yes
E-mail Print
Disabled No Yes
POP3 Server
- No Yes
Port Number
110 No Yes
POP Authentication
Disabled No Yes
User Name
- No Yes
- No Yes
Check Interval
5 minutes No Yes
Enable SSL
Disabled No Yes
Connection Test
- No Yes
Setting for Print from the MFP(FTP)
- No Yes
Setting for Print from the MFP(SMB)
- No Yes
Setting for Print from the PC
No Yes
FTP Print
Enabled No Yes
Port Number
21 No Yes
Use Banner
Disabled No Yes
* When the Web browsing expansion kit is installed. Back to top