
Data is automatically enlarged or reduced to match the paper size of the paper loaded in the machine.
This function is convenient when enlarging a letter or A4 size document to ledger or A3 size to make it easier to view, or when printing a document on paper that is different in size from the original document.

If you are using the PCL6 or PCL5c printer driver, you can receive data so that it can be printed to suit A0-, A1-, or A2-size paper. Select a desired paper size from "Paper Size" of the [Paper] tab.


The following example explains how to print a letter size document on ledger size paper.

icon Windows

  1. 2

    Click the [Paper] tab and select the paper size (example: Letter) of print data

  2. 2

    Select [Fit To Paper Size] and select the actual print paper size (example: Ledger)

icon Macintosh

  1. 2

    Select [Paper Handling] and check the paper size (example: Letter) of print data

    To change the paper size of print data, select [Page Setup] to display the "Paper Size" menu, and make a required change.
  2. 2

    Select [Scale to fit paper size] and select the actual print paper size (example: Ledger)

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