
This function collectively stores various settings as one program. If you store a program, you can easily retrieve and use it.
For example, suppose 11" × 17" (A3) size CAD drawings are copied once a month for archive purposes using the following settings:
  • The 11" × 17" (A3) size CAD drawings are reduced to 8-1/2" × 11" (A4) size.
  • To reduce paper use by half, 2-sided copying is used.
  • Margin shift is used to allow a margin to punch holes for filing.

When a job program is not stored When a job program is stored
Sets 11" × 17" (A3) to 8-1/2" × 11" (A4) reduction

Changes the exposure setting

Sets 2-sided copying

Sets margins

Sets punch hole settings

Tap the [Color Start] key or the [B/W Start] key
Selects copy settings

Tap the [Color Start] key or the [B/W Start] key
This method requires multiple settings and takes time.
Also, it may cause a setting error.
This method requires no multiple settings and takes no time.
Also, you can make a copy with no setting errors.
  • Up to 48 programs can be stored.
  • Program settings remains registered even when the main power has been turned off.
  • To store a program
    Tap the [Program Registration] key that appears on the action panel when you operate any mode screens.


  1. 2

    Tap the [Call Program] key on the action panel

    If you tap the [Add to Favorites] or [Register for Home] key on the action panel, you can register a program shortcut key.
  2. 2

    Tap the key of the program you want to retrieve

    The stored settings of the program are applied.

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