
If you specify Quick File to make a copy, the scanned original data will be saved as a file to the quick file folder. The stored file can be retrieved at a later time, allowing you to recopy the original without having to locate it.
When a file is stored using Quick File, the following user name and file name are automatically assigned to the file.
User Name: User Unknown
File Name: Mode_Month-Day-Year_Hour-Minute-Second-AM
(Example: Copy_04042011_112030AM)
Stored to: Quick File Folder
When user authentication is used, the user name that was used for login is automatically selected.
Only the file name and location of a file stored in the Quick File folder can be changed as required.
To delete all files in the Quick File folder with the exception of protected files:
In "Setting mode (administrator)", select [System Settings][Document Filing Settings][Delete All Quick Files]. Configure settings to have all files deleted when the power is turned on as required.


  1. 2

    Place an original, and tap the [Preview] key

    Place the original in the automatic document feeder or on the document glass.
  2. 2

    Tap the [Quick File] key on the action panel

    When a message relating to saving confidential information appears, tap the [OK] key.
    To cancel Quick File:
    Tap the [Quick File] key to clear the checkmark.

  3. 2

    Select copy settings and then tap the [Color Start] key or the [B/W Start] key

    Save the original as an image to the Quick File folder.
    • When you tap the [Start] key, a confirmation message appears saying that the image is saved in the Quick File folder.
      To change the message display time, select [System Settings] in "Setting mode (administrator)" → [Operation Settings][Message Time Setting].
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