If there are things you do not understand in the settings of the Windows printer driver, see Help.


  1. 2

    Select the machine's printer driver from the print window of the application, and click the [Preferences] button

    The button that is used to open the printer driver properties window (usually [Property] or [Print Preferences]) may vary depending on the application.
  2. 2

    Click a tab that includes the item you want to see Help about

  3. 2

    Click the [Help] button

    Help information appears for the settings of the tab you clicked. Further, if you want to open the dialog box and see Help about settings, click the underlined character at the top of the Help page.

Other help functions

The following methods are available to view Help in addition to clicking the [Help] button in the printer driver setting page.
Pop-up help
After clicking a target item in the setting page, press the [F1] key on the keyboard to display the Help pop-up window.
In Windows XP/Server 2003, click the icon button in the upper right of the printer driver setting window, then click a setting item. You will then be able to view help information about that setting item.
Information icon
Some functions are not available depending on a combination of setting items. In this case, icon (information icon) appears on a setting item. Clicking this icon displays the explanation of restrictions.
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