Displaying User Count

This displays the total number of pages printed by each user.
The count display in each mode, and the display count type can also be selected.
From the User List, you can narrow the display by alphabet or user index by selecting the [Index] list and can select a number of users to be displayed at a time using the [Display Items].

View user count

Set the checkbox to at the left of the user name and tap the [Show] key, and the user count list is displayed.
  • You can narrow the display items by selecting a mode name and a peripheral device from the [Select Function].
  • You can narrow the count type using the [Selection Count Number to be Displayed].
List of Display Items
Item Description
Next Displays the next user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Previous Displays the previous user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Show Counts Displays the counts and the number of pages remaining of the selected user for each function.
Page Limit The page limit set for the user appears in parentheses below the count.
If peripheral devices are not mounted, their count is not displayed.

Resetting user counts

Reset all counts.
To reset all count of the selected user, set the checkbox to at the left of the user name and tap the [Clear Count] key.
Reset count of each item
To reset the selected count, display the user count, set the checkbox of each count display to , and tap the [Clear Count] key.
Item Description
Next (displayed only when a single user is selected) Displays the next user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Previous (displayed only when a single user is selected) Displays the previous user (in the order of the registration numbers).
Show Counts Displays the counts and the number of pages remaining of the selected user for each function.
Clear Count Reset the count of the selected item to zero (0).
Clear All Count Clears all counts of the selected user to zero (0).
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