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Job Management

Sharp Digital Press Series

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Fiery Command Workstation

Your interface to higher productivity

Fiery Command WorkStation gives production staff a powerful tool to prepare and manage jobs more efficiently for higher production throughput. With a unified interface to efficiently manage all print production, custom views or filters to prioritize and plan print production, and automated workflows that are easy to set up and use, you'll manage jobs faster and boost print production.

Fiery Drivers

Easily and accurately submit jobs to the Fiery server

With the Fiery driver, features and functions are consistent across different Windows and Mac operating systems, as well as in the Job Properties user interface. It increases productivity with an intuitive, visual interface that makes it easy for office users to print documents quickly and simply, in just a few clicks.

Fiery Direct Mobile Printing

Easily print from iPads and iPhones

Companies can help their employees be more productive by giving them access to the full range of corporate resources from their mobile devices — including printing. The Direct Mobile Printing free feature of a Fiery Driven printer allows wireless printing through the native print feature from Apple iOS devices.

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