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3 Key Factors Influencing Meeting Room Productivity

Find out how indoor climate conditions including temperature, lighting and air quality influence productivity in the meeting room in this infographic.

3 Key Factors Influencing Meeting Room Productivity infographic with text version below


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3 Key Factors Influencing Meeting Room Productivity

Business professionals spend an average of 25 hours per month in meetings.  Studies have shown that indoor climate conditions have physiological and psychological effects impacting concentration, attention span, alertness, cognitive functioning, accuracy, data processing, creativity, mood and motivation. 

There are three key variables needed to create the perfect meeting environment:  Temperature, Air Quality and Lighting.


Ideal temp : 68°F – 77°F 
Temperature affects comprehension and memory recall. 

Lengthy, seated meetings require higher room temperatures than short, standing meetings, workshops or group activities. In contrast, formal meetings (wearing suits) require lower temperatures than informal meetings (with casual clothing).


Ideal meeting light level:  500 – 1,000 lux task illumination is appropriate in most cases, lowering to  300 – 500 lux with  screen usage

Increasing the lighting from 550 to 1,100 lux can improve performance by 2.8 percent and increasing it to 1600 lux can improve performance by 8.1 percent. Test subjects have rated higher performance associated with higher illumination.

Air Quality

Ideal meeting air quality:  350 – 1,000 Parts per Million (ppm) CO2 — Typical outdoor CO2 levels are 250 – 350 ppm.  

High levels of CO₂ can displace oxygen in the air, and in turn, the blood stream and brain, resulting in symptoms such as hyper-ventilation, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upset and drowsiness.

The raised CO₂ levels were found to have a more negative effect on information retrieval, subjective workload, perceived fatigue and lack of motivation.