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Creating Custom Folders

Video Length - 04:09

Ginny shows you how to create and manage custom folders.


Video Transcription



[intro music begins]

Ginny Wilkins (SHARP Field Trainer):

Hi, I'm Ginny with Sharp. What I'm going to show you is actually creating custom folders and managing those folders at the web page. Now, in order to do this, you would, it does require that you do know the IP address of your MFP.

The screen shows the System Settings page opened on the browser. The System Settings tab is selected.

Once you have that, you're just going into a browser and putting in that particular IP address and it brings up the sharp MFP.

You then would go to document operations. So as we've talked to you, you can have a main folder which is already set and you can create custom folders.

She selects the Document Operations tab, and the page opens to show the Main folder option from the side menu.

So if you want to create a custom folder, because maybe you have a department that would like a particular folder and all their documents to go into that folder or choose when they would like that.

She clicks “Custom Folder” on the side menu.

So right now I have a few that already have set to kind of show you, you can have a folder with or without a password.

She scrolls down on the page to show a table with a column called “Folder Name”. In the column, there are four different folders. Two of the folders, “Earl” and “HR” have a lock icon next to them. “Marketing” and “Sales” folders do not have lock icons.

In order to create a custom folder, I'm going to scroll down to add.

She scrolls to the bottom of the page and clicks the “Add” button. A Folder Registration page pops up with slots to enter information to register a new folder.

I'm going to give it a folder name. So it can be a department, it could be a specific person. So if I would like one, I could actually have my own folder and it's quite nice because you just put your required right here. Put a G, and then you're going to use it as a user.

She writes “Ginny” for the Folder Name and writes “g” for the Initial of Folder.

So, I am a user on the MFP. I'm going to click submit and now I am in one of the lists.

She clicks “Submit” which brings her to the page with the table with the folder names. Now there is a new folder, “Ginny”.

So say that I want to see what is in one of those folders. I can actually click on marketing and I can actually change the name if I'd like and resubmit or I can click the box in front of marketing and say, show me what is in that folder. Now, it will show me all the documents that are in there.

She clicks “Marketing” in the Folder Name column. The Folder Registration page pops up, showing the different fillable fields. She selects the Custom Folder from the side menu and selects the circle in front of the Marketing folder. She scrolls down and selects “Show”. The new page shows another table with information about files.

I have a choice. I can click the box in front of proofs. I have the option to print that document. I can send it to an email. I can move it to another folder or I can delete that document.

She selects the box in front of the file “Proofs” and then moves her cursor across the different options on the bottom of the screen.

I also have the ability to actually click on the word proofs and I could change the name if I didn't like that or I can click image check and I can actually see what that document is.

She clicks on the word Proof in the File Name column of the table. A page with fields to fill out file name, user name and file property, pops up. She scrolls down the page and selects the “Image Check” tab. She scrolls down more and sees a photo of fresh produce at the bottom of the page.

As you saw, I had a few documents that actually had passwords They were locked, someone like HR would not want anyone to be able to get into their folder at the copier. So I can actually click on HR and it's going to require that password.

She clicks Custom Folder in the side menu and points to the lock icon next to the “HR” folder. When she clicks on the word “HR”, the next page asks for the PIN code. She enters the password and the Folder Registration page pops up.

To be able to change the password, or if I click the box in front of that password or the HR, I would put my password in and I can show what's in that particular folder,which I have two. And again, I can either print or view.

She selects Custom Folder to return to the original page and clicks the circle in front of the HR folder. She enters the PIN below and then selects “Show”. On the HR page, there are two files in the table.

If I have something in the main folder, that's just a general folder that's preset. It would actually show here. I can do the same things. I can print it and I can view it just like the custom folders.

She clicks Main Folder on the side menu. The page shows an empty table for files.