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How to Print Labels

Video Length - 01:35

Ginny demonstrates how to print labels, pointing out default settings and how to get the output that you need.

Video Transcription



So now we're at the computer. So we've told it in the bypass that we've put in labels. So now we're going to go into our print driver. And we’re gonna click print and pull up our Sharp MFP and we're gonna go into properties.

A PDF with labels for Sharp Electronics' address is open. She clicks “File”, “Print”, and then selects “Properties” in the top middle of the pop-up.

Now, many uh when you download your driver, the default is on double sided. So be aware that when you go to paper source to match that paper type, like we said that they have to at the PC, we have to tell it labels as well as at the copier. She selects the Paper Source tap at the top and chooses “Labels” for the Paper Type. An error message appears saying that 2-sided printing can’t be done at the specified paper type.

She selects the Paper Source tap at the top and chooses “Labels” for the Paper Type. An error message appears saying that 2-sided printing can’t be done at the specified paper type.

But because it's on double sided, you can't do double side labels. So it just gives you a pop up that telling you to take off that double sided in order to do that. So I'm going to go back to the main tray, main tab, go to none. Now when I click paper source and paper type, it will actually allow me to tell labels.

She goes back to the Main tab and selects “None” for the 2-Sided Printing option. She clicks “Paper Source” and chooses “Labels” for the Paper Type. This time there is no error message.

So now I've told labels at the computer, it matches labels at the bypass and seamlessly picks up those labels and prints them.

If I had told it heavy one, heavy two, basically, you have to match what's at the bypass as well as at the computer.

She clicks Paper Type again and shows the many other options available such as “Heavy Paper-1" and “Heavy Paper-2".