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How to Write, Draw & Erase

Write, draw, and erase on the new Sharp AQUOS BOARD using Pen Software 3.0.

Video Transcription



[intro music plays]

AQUOS BOARD: What’s New?: How to Write, Draw, & Erase

Barbara Mikrut (Media Developer/Sales Trainer):

Now, let's see how you can write, draw and erase in pen software 3.0 on the new Sharp AQUOS Board. On the left part of the screen, you'll see the square menu. Today we'll be using the first three buttons on the top Pen 1, 2 and 3, and the eraser. Let's start with this one, Pen 1. On the very top. You'll see, I can choose a pen, brush, marker or the figure pen. Each of these has a different function. It changes the way you write on the board. So let's just choose pen.


Line width, we'll leave it at 2. But down here, you can also change your width. You can customize it. You can make it very thin, or very thick.

Mikrut taps “Other width” and adjusts the width using a slider.

Under that, you'll see I can change my line color. We have some standard colors here, but you can also choose a custom color. So an aquamarine, a pink, a magenta, better. On the very bottom, you can choose translucent or smoothing. Now, in this case, let's just choose pen, width 2, black, and we're gonna turn smoothing off.

Mikrut taps “Other color” to reveal a color slider.

Let's say I'm in a classroom and I it's the end of the day and I'm talking to my students and I'm giving them their homework assignment. I would normally write on the board, “Housekeeping” and today's date. I would also write, you know, some of the activities I have planned for next week. As you can see, the pen is very responsive. Even if I'm writing very quickly and very messily, it's still showing up very clearly on the screen.


As you can see up here, I've made a little mistake and I may need to fix something on this screen. Well, let's take a look at the eraser function. There are three different ways you can erase. The eraser function has different sizes of erasers. You have extra small, small, medium, large, or you can choose to clear your entire sheet. So I can choose medium, and I can slowly start erasing this part of the screen.


I have an eraser that comes with the AQUOS Board which erases easily. If I'm in the middle of writing something, let's quickly go back to the pen. I can take my entire palm and erase as if I'm actually at a blackboard.


Let's say I want to circle something, but I'm not very good at making circles. I'm not an artist. Usually you hear teachers always saying, you know, I'm not very good at art. I teach English or I'm I'm not very good at art, I teach math. What we have with the AQUOS Board is a Figure pen. We'll choose a width of three. We'll keep it as red. And let's say I wanna make a circle around the word quiz. The AQUOS Board and Pen software automatically recognizes the shape and turns it into an oval here. On the bottom if I want to make a rectangle around pages, pen software automatically recognizes that as a rectangle. This is great for highlighting things, making your presentation nice and neat.

Mikrut taps “Pen 2,” then “Figure pen” in the square menu.

Now, we'll take the brush, which is the second icon here, a width of five, blue, and what I want to show here, let's just quickly clean, clear the entire screen. We'll tap eraser and clear our sheet. I'll show you how touch resistive this screen really is. Now, depending upon how much pressure I apply to the screen. If I just applied a little bit, I'm drawing a very, very thin line and the more pressure I give, the thicker the line is. And again, as I let go, I'm creating a very, very thin line. And if I wanted to change this pen to translucent for an added effect, I can do it as well.

Mikrut taps “Pen 3,” then “Brush” in the square menu, then taps “Eraser” and “Clear Sheet.”

Now, the last feature we'll take a look at is the marker feature. I think of this more as a highlighter than something that you'd actually write with. And I'll show you why. Let's pick it a width of five and make it yellow. And down here you'll see the translucent and smoothing are grayed out. You can't choose them. That's because they happen automatically.

Mikrut taps “Pen 3,” then “Marker” in the square menu.

Now, if we switch to overlay mode, which we'll explain more in another video. I'll pull up a PDF from my computer, actually from my USB port, of a passage from Sherlock Holmes. Here is overlay mode. Switching here. Now I have my marker function in yellow and I can highlight the first line of this and pen software will automatically smooth that line out even if it's crooked. This is great for presentations, for following along during a reading or just any kind of meeting you may have. As you can see writing, drawing and erasing in Pen software 3.0 is easy on the new Sharp AQUOS Board.


[outro music plays]