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PowerPoint® Integration

Pen Software 3.0 now has an integrated toolbar in PowerPoint to help you drive your presentations and annotate on the fly.

Video Transcription



[intro music plays]

AQUOS BOARD: What’s New?: PowerPoint Integration

Barbara Mikrut (Media Developer/Sales Trainer):

Pen software 3.0 now has an integrated toolbar in PowerPoint to help you drive your presentations and annotate on the fly. Let's see how this works. If we open up one of our PowerPoints here, this is a fictional company. We'll play it from the beginning.


Using the three button pen, you see that I have this toolbar, I can move within my presentation back and forth. I can use the pen tip as a way to move forward.

Mikrut taps the arrows in the toolbar, then taps on the presentation to change slides.

Or if I go back now to our first page, you see that I have a pen that lets me annotate in different colors. I have black, red, blue, green, yellow and white. Let's use red. I can draw a circle, an arrow and write some notes here for my team.

Mikrut taps the pen icon in the toolbar to reveal and select color options.

If I want to, I can switch into pen software, into whiteboard mode right here with this icon. Here I can take notes with my team members and then jump back into the presentation.

Mikrut taps the whiteboard icon in the toolbar, writes on the board, then taps the icon in the toolbar to go back.

Last but not least, I can show you that you can change whether your toolbar is upright or to the side.

Mikrut taps the last icon in the toolbar to change the orientation of the toolbar.

I can also tap on this to keep or discard my annotations. So let's keep them.

Mikrut taps on the second to last icon in the toolbar.

Now this can be saved into my PowerPoint file and sent to my entire team. As you can see, Microsoft PowerPoint integrates with Pen Software 3.0 to help you move through your presentation and annotate on the go.


[outro music plays]