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Tray Settings

Video Length - 03:16

Ginny reviews paper tray settings and bypass usage.

Video Transcription



[intro music plays]

BP Series MFPs: Paper Tray and Bypass Tray Settings

Ginny Wilkins (SHARP Field Trainer):

Hey I'm Ginny with Sharp. Today I'm gonna be showing you the paper tray settings and some bypass usage. First off when we go into a copy, and we go into our paper select, it actually shows you on the screen what each drawer is using. Right now, we all have plain. But say that I want to put maybe letterhead in a drawer or colored paper or card stock in a drawer.

Wilkins taps “Paper Select” on the copier screen.

So the way you can do that to change that paper type because it does a few things and I'll explain. When you go to you just highlight that drawer. To the right, it says change current type and size of that selected tray. At this point, I'm going to tell, what am I going to put in there? Hey, I want to put in letterhead. So I can tell. Why do I do that? One, If I'm running something that is letter and that letter drawer runs out, the plain paper drawer runs out, it will not roll over to the letterhead drawer. If the letterhead drawer runs out, it will not roll over to the plain paper. That way you can keep each drawer, even though they're the same size. The copier knows they are not the same paper.

Wilkins taps one of the paper trays, then taps “Change Current Type and Size of Selected Tray” to reveal a grid of paper options.

You also can do card stock. We have heavy one, heavy two, heavy three and heavy four. On your paper, there's actually a GSM Number that will represent what weight that paper is. It'll actually have it right on the paper. The reason each weight goes up, heavy one, heavy two, is it gets hotter. Because what happens if you don't use that you get smearing. It will also open up the rollers to accommodate that thicker. So I could say hey, in drawer two, I'm going to put heavy paper and so it will actually mark it on here.


The nice part about it is when you touch a drawer and you change current type, it will let you know if that drawer can handle what. So you don't have to guess oh this drawer can't do that or this do can't do that. As long as you see these options you can choose from there. So setting up the drawers are pretty easy.


You also have a bypass. So, the bypass you open it right on the side. When you put your paper in, it automatically gives you a pop up. Now this is important because if you have codes, you want to make sure you log in first, then you'll see your pop up. Right? And what the pop up is asking is, hey, what are you putting in here? Well at this time it is 8.5 by 11 but it's not plain paper. Maybe I'm putting a little thicker paper in or maybe I'm putting labels in. So I can actually now have it labels.

Wilkins opens the bypass and puts paper in, then taps the “Type” in the pop up window and changes it to labels.

So it's as easy as just put the paper in you get a pop up or go to your paper select and choose your drawers and choose your options to the right. This way the that particular drawer knows the heat and how to handle that paper but also knows that it's not like a plain paper, so it won't roll over.


[outro music plays]