Choosing the Right Smart Signage Solutions for Digital Signage

Choosing the Right Smart Signage Solutions for Digital Signage
The use of digital signage in public spaces is booming, and each year customers have more and more options for digital signage systems: screens, content software, mounting options, content/media players, and more. The fact that designers, installers, and end users of digital signage have had to devote a huge amount of time, money, and resources to sorting through these choices and making decisions about each component has impeded even greater market penetration. For many, the boom in digital signage has meant more confusion and added costs. But fast-forward to today—major developments are ushering in a new era with digital signage solutions that are easier and more affordable to design, deploy, and maintain in the field. This white paper will show how the best new smart signage systems have now overcome a major TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) hurdle, by eliminating the need for separate media players. And the best new smart signage systems are both simplifying and improving content playback, with solutions that lead to better TCO and better results in the field. Selecting the right kind of smart signage—based on an open architecture software platform and allowing the most Content Management Software (CMS) partner options—is key, because all “smart signage” is not created equal.
Delve into our white paper to learn how smart signage systems simplify content playback and improve Total Cost of Ownership.