Cut Down on IT Help Desk Tickets - Managed Print Services
Video Length - 01:14
The ever-growing pile of help desk tickets for printer issues isn’t going away. It’s distracting your IT department from the bigger picture. In fact, 77% of small and medium-sized businesses said their IT environments have become more complex. Yet, your IT staff is already stretched thin, and the last thing they want to deal with is another stubborn paper jam. A Managed Print Services provider takes on the management of your entire print environment to provide much more than just a break-fix service.

Video Transcription
Female Speaker:
The ever growing pile of help desk tickets for printer issues isn't going away, it's driving your IT Department nuts and distracting them from the bigger picture.
An animated pile of paper falls from the top of the screen. A person lifts a help sign from behind the pile.
In fact, 77% of small and medium sized businesses said their IT environments have become more complex, yet your IT staff is already stretched thin and the last thing they want to deal with is another stubborn paper jam.
A 2-D graphic of a building appears from the bottom of the screen then a magnifying glass hovers over it and 77% is in the center of the magnifying glass. Then it zooms in to the building and shows a 2-D graphic of a printer with a caution sign next to it.
IT professionals love managed print services because it lightens their load and lets them focus on more important stuff like network security and strategic projects.
The original pile of papers is now reduced to a small fraction of what it was and a thumbs up appears from the right-hand side of the screen.
A managed print services provider takes on the management of your entire print environment to provide much more than just a break-fix service. Your IT Department already knows how to work – now work simply smarter.
Using iconography and 2-D graphics it shows the different areas that the managed print services providers take care of like print and copier repairs, and toner level monitoring and management.