Understand and Reduce Print Costs - Managed Print Services
Video Length - 01:35
What if we told you there’s money up for grabs hidden in your printers and copiers? Managed Print Services can help you recover funds by reducing outdated, overused and redundant office equipment that is expensive to maintain, leaving you with the cost-efficient equipment you actually need. Plus, you can keep an eye on print activity to see who, what, when and where documents are printed, so you’re not overpaying on excessive print volume.

Video Transcription
Female Speaker:
You'd be the office hero if you could just buy those new comfy office chairs, but there's no wiggle room in your budget.
A 2-D graphic of a young male in the middle who transform into a superhero, then two office chairs appear on each side of him.
What if we told you there's money up for grabs hidden in your printers and copiers? Managed print services can help you recover funds by reducing outdated, overused and redundant office equipment that is expensive to maintain, leaving you with cost efficient equipment you actually need.
A 2-D graphic of a MFPs printer appears, then a 2-D graphic of a stack of money appears right next to it. Then the words outdated, overused and redundant appear at the center of the screen.
Plus you can keep an eye on print activity to see who, what, when and where documents are printed. So you're not overpaying on excessive print volume.
A video of a print job being completed by an MFPs printer appears, with iconography showcasing the points of who, what, when and where.
A managed print services provider can continually manage and analyze your print environment to keep costs low, increase equipment up time and improve efficiency. And instead of receiving multiple invoices from multiple vendors, you can simplify with one predictable invoice from a single provider, making budgeting a breeze.
An MFPs printer appears in the center again, and the MFPs printer turns green on the areas the magnifying glass hovers over. Animated iconographies appear to further point out these points, keep costs low, increase equipment up time and improve efficiency. 2-D graphics of three invoices being reduced to one is shown.
So spin around in those new office chairs and leave your print environments to us. You already know how to work now, work Simply Smarter.
A clip of someone spinning in an office chair followed by a montage of different people working in an office environment.