Secure Your Print Environment - Managed Print Services
Video Length - 01:14
The importance of network security is generally understood, but what about print security? Did you know copiers and printers are often vulnerable to security risks? In the second half of 2020 alone, two-thirds of organizations experienced data losses due to unsecured printing environments. Watch the video to learn more about securing your print environment.

Video Transcription
Female Speaker:
The importance of network security is generally understood, but what about print security? Did you know, copiers and printers are often vulnerable to security risks?
A 2-D graphic of a modem appears in the middle of the screen, and then switches to a 2-D graphic of a MFPs printer.
In the second half of 2020 alone, two thirds of organizations experienced data losses due to unsecured printing environments. Things like outdated firmware, paperwork left behind at a printer, and a lack of visibility into your organization's print activity can pose a risk to you and your customers data.
Text and a pie chart appear to showcase the two thirds visually, then animated iconography appears to showcase a download symbol, paperwork, an eye and a caution sign.
A managed print services provider, analyzes your assets to find areas of weakness and puts controls in place to increase document security and regulatory compliance.
A graphic of an office floor plan is shown where the printers turn green as magnifying glass hovers over them.
Let us keep your devices and information secure. You already know how to work now work Simply Smarter.
Footage of two people having a conversation, one in an office setting with a headset, another talking on the phone walking.