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From the Classroom to Hybrid and Back Again

From the Classroom to Hybrid and Back Again

As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the messages we continue to see is the need to adapt to the hybrid model. This has presented unique challenges for educational institutions, where the push to turn your home into a classroom has come with a learning curve for both teachers and students.

Despite the fact that many schools have pivoted back to in-person learning, the classroom environment has become more complex and nuanced than ever before. Educators and administrators need to be ready with updated technology to switch up the learning structure from classroom to hybrid – and back again – if the occasion calls for it. Here are two ways in which they can accomplish just that.

Give them easy tools with which to write and collaborate

We’ve seen first-hand how connection and collaboration are vital in helping to maintain productivity, boost morale, and inspire students while working in a hybrid environment. As students continue to adapt to in-person learning again, educators need to ensure their tech is as reliable in the classroom as it was at home, so they don’t miss a beat. Solutions like interactive display systems are pivotal to make this work. Not only do they have the functionality to foster collaboration between virtual and in-person students, but they also provide a fast, smooth and responsive way to keep students engaged when they are all in the classroom. Educators should look for interactive displays with highly accurate writing capabilities and experiences, to provide students with a more natural writing flow so they can feel more at ease when their teacher calls them up to the front of the class. Check out this infographic to learn more. 

The best platform is an open platform

It is essential for classrooms to incorporate “open platform” technology – allowing for easy adaptability with various applications. The last thing you want is to give a class/lecture and for your hardware and software to be incompatible with each other. For example open platform interactive displays provide wireless connectivity for the most flexible experience in the modern classroom. This allows users to enhance their learning environment by keeping it personal, communicating with mobile devices using display connection software or other third-party applications. 

Speaking of connection, schools should look for boards that can easily integrate with learning management systems like Blackboard®, Google® Classroom and more. With this capability, educators can streamline their lesson plans, so they don’t have to switch back and forth between various systems, which usually eats up time and loses students’ attention. Teachers can also keep their students more engaged through the high-quality presentation of graphics and videos these displays provide.

Educational institutions have had a tough time navigating hybrid and in-person learning. That’s why it’s so crucial to think a few steps ahead and give your technology the proper attention – and upgrades if needed – to ensure learning goes uninterrupted! 




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