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Ransomware: How to Shield Your Company From an Attack

Ransomware: How to Shield Your Company From an Attack

Ransomware is affecting businesses across the globe. It creeps into your network and holds your files hostage. Many companies that lack a robust data backup and disaster recovery plan have paid a high-priced ransom payment to unlock files. Make sure your company is defending itself against a data breach by taking these precautionary measures.

Educate Employees

All it takes is one click on a phishing email to hijack your network. Keep your staff informed of these potential threats.

Restrict Software and Traffic

Whitelist approved software and strictly control your network traffic by blocking suspicious emails and websites.

Continuously Check Software

Ensure settings and rules are accurate and up-to-date since some ransomware travels through older software versions.

Limit Access to the Network

Be sure employees only have access to what they need and limit authority to install software on the network.

Establish Layers of Protection

A firewall and antivirus alone might not cut it. Form a chain of security defenses to cover the gap.

Create Daily Backups

Have peace of mind knowing your files are saved on a cloudbased system for backup should ransomware hit your network.

Take a step to become more resilient against cybersecurity threats by signing up for our technology review today.


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