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The Simply Smarter Blog

Understanding and Managing Digital Exhaust: The Invisible Trail of Data Left Behind

Louis Costantini /

One of the best precautions organizations can take to establish security best practices is to promote proper data management among its employees. Data is generated with every individual’s click, search and interaction online, leaving a trail of data behind while navigating various websites and services. This trail of data, known as "digital exhaust," can leave the individual, and consequently their employer, vulnerable to data breaches and privacy violations if not properly managed and secured. 

As companies increasingly rely on digital platforms for operations, marketing and customer engagement, they inadvertently generate vast amounts of data. The misuse of this sensitive information not only risks compromising customer trust but also opens the door to potential legal and financial repercussions. For businesses, the challenge lies in harnessing the power of digital exhaust for strategic advantage and safeguarding against its pitfalls. Let's dive into the concept of digital exhaust, its implications, and how to manage it effectively.

To Err is Human, Unfortunately: 5 key findings from the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

Danielle Cerny /

This year, Verizon released its latest “Data Breach Investigations Report” (DBIR) that analyzed 16,312 security incidents, of which 5,199 were confirmed data breaches.* In contrast to last year’s report, this year’s focused more on the actual data breaches to bring concise and actionable findings to the table. It’s overarching conclusion: in a time of so much uncertainty, hackers found new avenues to exploit the human element, using the same tried and true tactics.

Shhh...You can keep a secret, but can your copier? Why Printer Security Matters.

Danielle Cerny /


You’ve heard countless messages about the importance of data security.  In recent years, bad actors have stepped up their activity and are using more sophisticated techniques to take advantage of distributed and remote work environments. In today’s widespread threat landscape, a well-balanced, multi-layered security strategy is needed to help ensure your copiers and printers keep your information safe from malicious intruders. Read on to learn about some features that can keep your copier on lockdown.

What is a Business Continuity Plan and Why Does Your Organization Need One?

Louis Costantini /

Well-managed organizations are not immune to the risk of potential business interruptions and need to pivot and adapt in the face of adversity. However, if the events over the past few years have taught us anything, even the most agile businesses are not prepared for everything. In the event of a catastrophe, the need for a Business Continuity Plan is paramount to keep your organization thriving. However, if your business lacks the proper planning, you could be treading water without a life preserver hoping for a miracle. Let’s talk about business continuity and how your organization can secure its operations.


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