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Sharp Partners with the NY Giants to Donate Interactive Displays to Special Needs School

Video Length - 01:56

What a great day! Recently, Sharp had a chance to partner with the NY Giants to donate four AQUOS BOARD interactive displays to BCSS Bleshman Regional Day School. Special thanks to Giants' players Zak DeOssie and Jamon Brown for the time they spent with these amazing children!


Video Transcript



[intro music begins]

An introduction montage is played displaying a sign welcoming people to Norman A. Bleshman Regional Day School

Zak DeOssie (Long Snapper, #51 of the New York Giants):

We're here in Paramus today. We are lucky enough to partner with Sharp to give these TVs

A video clip shows a group of students and teachers in a classroom, laughing and smiling. A child in a wheelchair is being pushed alongside, waving back at Zak DeOssie. The clip fades into a pan out shot of the screen being gifted to the school, with a bow tied around it. Above, there is a banner that reads "Thank you" alongside the New York Giants logo and the Sharp logo. .

Zak DeOssie: to these kids in need here at the Bleshman school.

Zak DeOssie alongside James Brown stand side by side with a Sharp screen in the background. The screen displays a solid background with the Sharp logo centered

[clapping and celebration]

Gail Coe cuts the bow, and everyone celebrates and claps. Gail Coe holds up the scissors and smiles.

Gail Coe (Principal of Bleshman Regional Day School):

A clip shows the camera panning out from the "thank you" sign into a wide shot of people celebrating and children using the screen.

Group of students standing in front of the Sharp AQUOS Board Interactive display working on a geometry math exercise.  The math problem is displayed on the AQUOS board screen. The students mark up and write their answer to the math problem on the screen using the Overlay feature.

Gail Coe: And today we're here to celebrate the partnership with Sharp and the New York Giants who have donated four Sharp AQUOS BOARDS to our program.


Children using the display, with an interactive game called "Winter Word Fun" on the screen.  


Gail Coe: So, Aisha going to, What you gonna do? Build a snowman. You're gonna build a snowman? Okay.

Gail Coe announces to the group, which is facing the screen, as Aisha, a student at the school, interacts with the screen.

Mike Marusic (CEO of Sharp Imaging & Information Company):

These are interactive whiteboards and really what that means, but has touch capacitive touch so that people can go up and touch it with their finger. Or in this case, they can use other devices.

A student from the school is using a pointer to interact with the screen.

Mike Marusic: So what it allows them to do is learn at their own pace, and they can adjust the classroom environment depending on a student, but allows a student a wheelchair to access technology that they normally wouldn't be able to do. So it's really a great fit for this school.

The teacher is seen building a snowman on the screen with one of the students, while others watch. Then the student is seen interacting with the screen alongside Zak DeOssie, who points at the screen while she drags her finger across it.

Zak DeOssie: We did it!

Everyone in the classroom claps.

Zak DeOssie: And this is a way for them to learn and educate themselves to kindergarten all the way through twenty one and really give back to the community


Zak DeOssie: We're just happy to be here. We're getting a chance to hang out with all the kids, meet all the teachers, administrators, and it's just been a great day.

Zak DeOssie is seen playing a letter game alongside one of the students, who taps on the screen to select the letter from the board. James Brown is seen celebrating with another student who is sitting alongside one of the teachers.

James Brown (Guard, #78 of the New York Giants):

With these screens here that the kids were able to kind of interact with us. We were able to learn something from these kids, and, you know, it was a fun experience.


Zak DeOssie: You lost a couple of spelling games.


James Brown: I think I did. I lost a couple of games.



Zak DeOssie: We learned a couple of things.


James Brown is smiling in front of the screen with one of the students, then fades back into the original clip where Zak DeOssie starts speaking alongside James Brown. Both laugh after he makes a joke about James Brown losing a few games.

James Tedesco (Bergen County executive):

I thank you so much on behalf of the people of Bergen County, you truly help me make a difference. And that's what this is all about. Making a difference. So thank you to Sharp. Thank you to the New York football Giants.

James Tedesco addresses everyone in the classroom, thanking them. He turns to shake Zak DeOssie's hand, then walks to James Brown, giving him a handshake, and then to Mike Marusic.

[outro music begins playing]

A bulletin board decorated with a football field post and a border made up of footballs, alongside the words "To make the goal, we have to work together." Both the logos of Sharp and The New York Giants are placed side by side at the goal post.


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