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Synappx Go for Collaboration

How It Works

End or Leave the Meeting

Synappx Go helps you end the meeting efficiently. When ten minutes of the meeting remains, a reminder will pop up so you can end or extend the meeting. To leave the meeting while others continue, press the Leave button.

Select the  End  button to disconnect from the web conference on your laptop as well as on the meeting room display (Launch on Display Mode).

When configured by a Synappx admin, Synappx resets the in-room PC by deleting files and data to help ensure meeting security. The following actions are included in the reset-room features. This feature is currently available only for Microsoft 365 environments:

  • Close apps
    Applications launched during the meeting are closed.
  • Clear browser data
    Browser data (Cache, temp files, Cookie, form data, passwords) are cleared.
  • Delete local files
    Added files during the meeting are removed from the specified folders or locations. (Download, Recycle bin, Desktop, Documents, Pictures)
  • Reset sound volume
  • Share Meeting Materials (Microsoft 365)
Meeting organizers can share edited meeting materials with attendees after the meeting. When this feature is enabled, Synappx Meeting automatically creates a Synappx folder in the meeting organizer’s OneDrive account and places a folder for each meeting inside. The meeting folder contains an Adobe® Portable Document File (PDF) of the target meeting document in the folder after each meeting, so organizers can choose to share content with meeting attendees. Enable this feature by selecting the toggle in settings.

Share Meeting Materials Feature

  • Only available on Windows client OS
  • Requires a Microsoft client application
  • Not available on the Synappx Go mobile app
  • Must be enabled in individual user settings (default is off)

Here’s how it works:

  1. Open target file(s) from the file list using the Synappx Go Assistant and edit them during the meeting.
  2. Use the Synappx Go Assistant to end the meeting
  3. A folder is created for the meeting in the organizer’s OneDrive.
  4. The files (i.e. URL(s), converted PDF file(s), or discussion version(s)) used during the meeting are stored in the OneDrive folder.
  5. The meeting organizer chooses to share file(s) with attendee(s).

Appearance in OneDrive

  • Folder Structure: Synappx > Meeting > YYYYMMDD_[meeting title]
    File Name Structure: [original file name]_synappx_[YYYYMMDD]

Attachments Cloud Storage
Opened Files (not web-based) Microsoft 365 Cloud Files (e.g., OneDrive, SharePoint) Cloud Files Opened in Web Browser (Google Drive, Dropbox, Box)
Meeting Files
PDF Version (Converted)
URL Link to Original Files URL Link to original version URL link to discussion version